50 Questions

OK, I'm a thief...I stole this idea from Joanna, Kelli Lauren because it looked like fun. Maybe some of you will steal it too (because I'm nosey like that!). (And yeah, I stole Lauren's opening paragraph as well as the idea because I am incapable of original thought these days!)

1. Where were you three hours ago? at home

2. Who are you in love with? Three little boys

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Not that I can recall, but I can’t be certain.<---Kelli's answer, but I think it applies

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Sadly no, but there is quite a variety of race cars and monster trucks.

5. When was the last time you went to the mall? Wow, I'm gonna say July.

6. Are you wearing socks right now? No

7. Do you have a car worth over $2000? Yes

8. When was the last time you drove out of town? February for a high school ski trip...on a bus for 14 hours while 6 months pregnant with horrid morning sickness. I don't recommend it but the trip was still fun, driving not so much.

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Nope

10. Are you hot? I'm sexay!! My house is open and cool, enjoying the nice weather.

11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee

12. What are you wearing right now? jeans, t-shirt and flip flops

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? Car wash

14. Last food you ate? Snickers Ice Cream Bar after the kids were in bed.

15. Where were you last week at this time? At church getting my dinner ready and taking Landon to Tiny Tots. We skipped today to enjoy the awesome weather.

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Yes but not for me. The boys got some new shirts.

17. When was the last time you ran? Chasing after my boys I imagine, we like to race a lot.

18. What was the last sporting event you watched? Probably the Bucs while Matt was here on Sunday...then I took a nap.

19. Your favorite animal? A cute little puppy that doesn't pee/poo on the floor, doesn't shed and stays little and sweet forever without an insane amount of energy. Is there a hybrid dog like that?

20. Your dream vacation? With kids would be a Disney cruise, with plenty of hands to help. No kids some place far away with great food, a big comfy bed and plenty to read.

21. Last person’s house you were in? Probably my dad's.

22. Worst injury you ever had? Bruised ego count? No? Then no real injury but recovering after lasik...ouch!

23. Have you been in love? Once upon a time. Maybe again someday maybe not. I'll always be in love with my kids.

24. Do you miss anyone right now? My mom

25. Last play you saw? RENT!!!

26. What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? Sex? What's that??

27. What are your plans for tonight? church. Brayden has choir practice. I'm ready to see the HS students!

28. Who is the last person to send you a Facebook message or comment? Mollie D

29. Next trip you are going to take? Not a clue...somewhere though.

30. Ever go camping? Yes, but I'm an indoor girl.

31. Were you an honor student in school? hahahaha...

32. What do you want to know about the future? Nothing!!

33. Are you wearing perfume or cologne? I'm wearing deodorant...

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor’s visit? Nope, I'm good until July.

35. Where is your best friend? At home...maybe at work.

36. How is your best friend? She is someone that knows me inside and out.

37. Do you have a tan? My socks, if I wore them, have better tan than I do.

38. What are you listening to right now? Kylan chattering and Baby Einstein music.

39. Do you collect anything? Diapers, its an obsession.

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? I plead the 5th.

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? Does Matt count?

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Sometimes but its always Diet Coke.

43. What does your last text message say? "N" I was replying to see the rest of a Facebook message from Mollie

44. Do you like hot sauce? Of course!

45. Last time you took a shower? In about 10 minutes, c'mon nap time!!

46. Do you need to do laundry? Always.

47. What is your heritage? I'm a white girl.

48. Are you someone’s best friend? Yes

49. Are you rich? Compared to what? A homeless person, yes.

50. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Sleeping!

Wordless Wednesday- Is a bluetooth really necessary with a Nintendo DS?

Snuggle Luv Giveaway!!


Ends 9-16-09 f

GAD Baby Giveaway

Check Three Green Peas for all the giveaway details and see all the great color options at GADBaby website. I LOVE this diaper!!!

Quikie Update on Life

So I haven't updated on the Matt situation lately mainly because there hasn't been much to update. I told him that I don't think its possible to work on our marriage if we're living in separate places. While I'm not completely comfortable with living in the same house with him, I also know that the more that he's away and I'm carrying the load of full time parent on my own is only going to make me resent him even more and I don't like or want to be an angry and bitter person. His response was that he doesn't want to move everything back here just to have to move it all out if things don't work out. *eye roll* I take that as he's expecting things to fail without really trying especially since there isn't a single thing at his apartment that I need or even want!! Except maybe some of my bake ware that he swiped!! In a different turn of events, while I've lived cable free for the last several months he's decided that he can't live without it and ordered cable for MY house where he isn't even living?? Random? Yeah it is. I'm hoping for a holiday family time with him and all the boys to get some time to talk one on one, preferably during nap time when the kids can't hear...So that's my "drama" update.
Now, onto my more normal life updates.....
Brayden is thoroughly enjoying kindergarten and is finally adjusting to the loooong days. I'm loving the times that he's gone. My stress level has gone down tremendously and everyday at 3pm I start to get excited to pick him up. I love that I actually have a chance to miss him!! I miss him terribly but its a sweet reunion that I get to have daily. He's making new friends and is always appreciating his time home with all of us now. And he "conveniently" forgets his lunchbox at school so he an eat lunch room food. I think its gross but he doesn't.
Landon has been a sad little puppy lately. He's missing his buddy and it shows. He's even gone back to taking a mini morning nap since his favorite playmate is gone all day. He's doing well with potty training. School starting was a minor set back, he was peeing left and right for no reason in his undies, but he's getting back to normal. Funny side note of accidents, poor guy had an accident at church on Thursday night so they changed him into the shorts that were in the bag. I'm pleased to announce that my darling 3 year old can still fit comfortably into 3-6 month shorts!!
Kylan, my sweet little surprise, has been rolling himself over a bit more frequently now. Not just because he's pissed that I didn't pick him up quick enough. Belly to back and back to belly...he's growing up way too fast. I've been trying to avoid solids at all costs with him since I didn't see the need to start. He sleeps great but now, even after a very full nursing session, he's smacking is lips and wanting to eat more. This makes me so sad. I didn't want to start any food until he was six months old and not because of food allergies since they don't run in our families and I haven't adjusted my diet one bit and he's been fine but because I really REALLY don't want to clean that poop out of my diapers.
For me, nothing to report. I'm thankful that all the hours at work have picked up and I'm also taking a class this semester. I haven't taken one in well over three years when I was pregnant with Landon. Not only do I get to work on my on walk with my Maker but I also get real grown up conversation and at least a two hour break from all my kiddies one night a week. So needed and necessary!! I'm also helping my MIL to organize her craft room and in return she's teaching me how to sew. I'm pretty psyched about it, I've been wanting to learn for a long time.

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