Happy Birthday Brayden!!

6 years ago today a wonderful little man came into this world and changed my life forever.  I've watched you grow, learn and mature over the years and you always amaze me.  You are hands down the most stubborn and dramatic child I've ever met no idea where you get this from..must be the daddy but you also have a heart of gold.  You're such an encourager to everyone around you and always bring such joy into our lives.  I'm proud to call you my son.  You are such a blessing and I thank God everyday that He's chosen me to be your mom. 

I love you Brayden.  Happy Birthday my sweet little man!!


Katrina said...
April 9, 2010 at 11:21 AM

YAY!! Happy Birthday Brayden, and congrats to you, Nessa, for raising such a wonderful young man! You should be proud!

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