Sooo. Brayden started school this week. I've been dreading it for months now but to my surprise I wasn't too sad to see him go. Monday morning went off without a hitch. He couldn't stop smiling and wanted to take pictures of him with everything school related. He had to pose with his breakfast, bag of school supplies, backpack, and last but certainly not least...his rubber snakes. All this before we even left for the drive to school!!

The drive to school was the hardest for me. I had to restrain myself at every median and stop light to not turn around and take him back home with me. He strolled into the school like he owned the place. He was so proud of himself. He just had to have his picture taken with Landon against the wall like the big kids were doing. Brayden walked into class with no problem at all. He was excited to start his day and go through all the different centers.
The school

This is Brayden's new friend Seth here in the background...I think he was having an "emo" morning.

He was very excited to be picked up. He immediately ran up and gave me a giant bear hug and told me how great his first day was. Then he and Landon started looking for alligators in the sewer grate. (this has also become an everyday occurrence)

Now fast forward to the end of the week and he's completely over going to school. He tells me that he doesn't want to go to school anymore and now he's the biggest manipulative staller when it comes to drop off time. Completely driving me insane!! I figured this would happen but I'd hoped that the novelty of school would last at least a couple of weeks. Well, tomorrow is the end of week one and a little birdie told me about a treasure chest with chocolate in needless to say he's psyched to have the treat tomorrow, and of course Matt has a special lunch planned for him also.
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